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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Get Rid of the Fear of Public Speaking: An effective exercise for you

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Few months ago I read a book, Instant Confidence: The Power To Go For Anything You Want by Paul McKenna. It is an excellent book for overcoming the fear of doing any thing you want to do in your life but failed due to lack of confidence.

I read all the chapters thoroughly and found many useful exercises to become confident in different situations.

The chapter I like most was about public speaking. This chapter describes how to overcome your fear of public speaking and become a confident speaker. A quote “When you know what you’re talking about, you don’t need to know what you’re going to say” impressed me a lot in this chapter.

Finally, in the last of this chapter, there is an exercise given which psychologically effects you and eventually decreases your fear of public speaking.

So here is the exercise:

1. Think of a presentation you are going to be making in the next few weeks. If you don’t have one scheduled, think about any upcoming performance situation where you want to be at your best.

2. If it was entirely up to you, how would you like to feel during your presentation or performance?

Confident, passionate and fun

3. Imagine a circle on the floor of any colour. Fill it up with the feelings you desire. You can do this by thinking of a time you felt that way in the past or by using your body ‘as if’ you already feel that way now.

I fill my circle with confidence by standing in a confident posture and speaking to myself in a confident tone of voice. I add in a sense of passion by thinking about a cause I am deeply passionate about until I can feel those feelings in my body. I remember a time when I was laughing and joking with friends, and put that in the circle for a sense of fun.

4. Step into the circle and let the feelings spread through your body. As you feel them, visualize yourself doing the thing you want to do. When the feelings start to fade, step out of the circle and ‘recharge’ it with emotion, then step back in.

5. Repeat step 3 and 4 until you automatically feel the way you want to feel while imagining and/or doing the thing you want to do!

Indeed, this exercise will be very useful. Don’t expect the sudden change, obviously it will take time, but with continuous practice you (me as well) will master the art of presentation and public speaking.

Comments 2 comments
Masood Humayun said...

A very good exercise indeed. Thanks so much

Khurram Zahid said...

Thanks Masood

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